Quote Originally Posted by CRP View Post
More disrespectful than accusing some one of cheating on a forum, without having the balls to say a word to that person's face? More disrepectful than talking **** about some one the minute they get out of the car that you've been in for over an hour? Really? Because if I really set my mind to it I think I could get more disrepectful than that.

Do you know why I distanced myself from your little group? Because you all talk **** about each other and never say anything to the person you're talking about. Do I talk ****? Yep, I do and I'll say it to you're face, too. There's too much drama in your group, have fun playing with each other.

BTW, this thread was not about Josh, me, or any other single person until Brian brought it up. Good job, Muppets of Wore(out).
I am sorry if you felt alienated, that was never and is never my intention to anyone. I am always friendly and try to make sure everyone is having a good time. I try to help new players by unloading minis I don't use or selling things cheaper to other players to help expand their collection if I am not using them. I try to treat the DL staff to snacks and drinks whenever they host events for us. John, you and I have had good laughs and conversations about the game without arguing or trash talking. Bottom line, this hobby is my thing I get too enjoy away from all the stresses of work and life, and it is slowly becoming more stressful than work, which is terrible. I know sometimes my competitive nature can come out in a game in turn 5 by trying to stretch 1 unit to claim two objectives or lashing a squad off another... I am not trying to ruin someones game I am just trying to out maneuver or strategize my adversary.

I understand the difference between Hobby/Heavy and that if I don't want to participate in the Hobby event I don't have too.. after all there is still a monthly "anything goes" tournament to satisfy my WAACness.