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Thread: 1850 Tau - How bad am I at this?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    1850 Tau - How bad am I at this?

    Just curious to see how this might stand up against the current meta in this area. Feel free to rip it apart if it's horrible.

    Tau Empire (1848/1850pt.)

    @Primary Detachment [ 1 ]

    Hunter Contingent

    @Core [ 1 ]

    Hunter Cadre

    Commander (134pt.) Crisis battlesuit; Drone controller; Neuroweb System Jammer; Command and control node; Marker Drone (x2);
    8x - Strike Team (116pt.) DS8 turret with smart missile system;
    > 1x - Shas'ui (43pt.); Photon grenades; Pulse rifle; Gun Drone (x2);
    > 7x - Fire Warrior (9pt.); Photon grenades; Pulse rifle;
    8x - Strike Team (116pt.) DS8 turret with smart missile system;
    > 1x - Shas'ui (43pt.); Photon grenades; Pulse rifle; Gun Drone (x2);
    > 7x - Fire Warrior (9pt.); Photon grenades; Pulse rifle;
    8x - Breacher Team (174pt.)
    > 1x - Shas'ui (31pt.); Photon grenades; Pulse blaster; Field amplifier relay; Guardian Drone;
    > 7x - Fire Warrior (9pt.); Photon grenades; Pulse blaster; Field amplifier relay;
    > 1x - TV7 Devilfish (80pt.); Burst cannon; Gun Drone (x2);
    XV104 Riptide battlesuits (248pt.)
    > 1x - Riptide Shas'vre (248pt.); Riptide battlesuit; Nova reactor; Riptide shield generator; Ion accelerator; Twin-linked smart missile system; Early warning override; Drone controller; Shielded Missile Drone (x2);
    XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (67pt.)
    > 1x - Crisis Shas'vre (67pt.); Crisis battlesuit; Missile pod; Plasma rifle; Early warning override;
    XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (67pt.)
    > 1x - Crisis Shas'vre (67pt.); Crisis battlesuit; Missile pod; Plasma rifle; Early warning override;
    XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (99pt.)
    > 1x - Broadside Shas'vre (99pt.); Broadside battlesuit; Twin-linked high-yield missile pod; Twin-linked smart missile system; Missile Drone (x2);
    XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (107pt.)
    > 1x - Broadside Shas'vre (107pt.); Broadside battlesuit; Twin-linked high-yield missile pod; Twin-linked smart missile system; Drone controller; Missile Drone (x2);
    TX4 Piranhas (41pt.)
    > 1x - TX4 Piranha (41pt.); MV1 Gun Drone (x2); Burst cannon; Blacksun filter;
    TX4 Piranhas (41pt.)
    > 1x - TX4 Piranha (41pt.); MV1 Gun Drone (x2); Burst cannon; Blacksun filter;
    @Auxilary [ 1 ]

    Optimized Stealth Cadre

    XV95 Ghostkeel battlesuits (140pt.)
    > 1x - Ghostkeel Shas'vre (140pt.); Ghostkeel battlesuit; Ghostkeel electrowarfare suite; Holophoton countermeasures; MV5 Stealth Drone (x2); Cyclic ion raker; Twin-linked burst vannon; Early warning override;
    3x - XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (137pt.)
    > 1x - Stealth Shas'vre (77pt.); Stealth battlesuit; Fusion blaster; Drone controller; Gun Drone (x2);
    > 2x - Stealth Shas'ui (30pt.); Stealth battlesuit; Burst cannon;
    3x - XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (137pt.)
    > 1x - Stealth Shas'vre (77pt.); Stealth battlesuit; Fusion blaster; Drone controller; Gun Drone (x2);
    > 2x - Stealth Shas'ui (30pt.); Stealth battlesuit; Burst cannon;
    @Secondary Detachment [ 1 ]

    Drone-Net VX1-0

    4x - Drones (56pt.) MV1 Gun Drone (x2); MV7 Marker Drone (x2);
    4x - Drones (56pt.) MV1 Gun Drone (x2); MV7 Marker Drone (x2);
    4x - Drones (56pt.) MV1 Gun Drone (x2); MV7 Marker Drone (x2);
    4x - Drones (56pt.) MV1 Gun Drone (x2); MV7 Marker Drone (x2);

    Created by Head Quarters - online roster builder

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Ugh... Hating that builder. Still need to redo one Broadside to have a drone controller.

  3. #3
    All marker drones in the drone net would be the first change that sticks out
    Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

  4. #4
    Senior Member rand0mnumb3r's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by darquewing View Post
    Ugh... Hating that builder. Still need to redo one Broadside to have a drone controller.
    I don't think drone controllers work for missile drones unless something has changed so kind of pointless for broadsides and riptides.

    I also don't get why you are splitting the drone units loadouts. Seems like a waste.

    As for your original question this list would do fine in our current meta for the most part at Dragon's Lair. You will be slightly behind the 2-3 battle company/war convocations we commonly see, but it is stronger then almost everything else people bring. You will bring tears to the handful of people playing lots of Melee Vehicles lists though.
    I Noodlers, solemnly swear not to buy any new or used models until I have completed the following

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  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Okay, missed that on broadside and riptide drones.

    The split for the drone nets, was so thag I can use them for interceptor fire, and can still bounce my mini-buffmander through the squads as they remain, for extra marker light hits. Also, it makes no drone squad a better target than another.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Maybe change to 3 marker drones in each squad, remove broadside and riptide drone contollers, and remove riptide missile drones, and try to get a stim injector on the riptide, and velocity trackers on the broadsides.

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