Originally Posted by cptjoeyg Because you are an idiot: General of the Empire (3) Captain BSB (13) Wizard Lv 2 (8) 30 Swordsmen w/Full cmd (4) 4x 21 Hand gunners full cmd, rep handgun (20 for all 4) Cannon (10 and 6 WMP) 2x 10 Outriders, champ, mus (14 for both + 2 WMP) 2x Helblaster (12 and 6 WMP for both) 14 WMP (6) 210/10 = 21 and sux it! 2276 which leave points for magic items and upgrades for Lord, BSB and WIZ that are not comp'd So this is 104 pts right? so 300-104/10 = 19.6? Still pretty high though.
Wargamescon 40k Judge caldera40k.blogspot.com Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
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