Well even though this is not my shindig I will give what info is available.
A its already started.
B not sure if we could take in more, unless a second tile set was added, as it stands it would be horrible crowded and more than likely not doable as it is now. Davey will have final call on that.
It is a blood in the badlands map campaign using the tiles that GW sold. As of this point and time the map seems fixed, ie not changing or growing.
The cast consist of the following.
Me as dark elves
Davey as passive dwarfs
Drew as random chaos
Mead as skinny orges
Adam as not so goth vc
Albert as high horsed brets
We each had 10 banners to start off with, territories were randomly generated ie less than 10 average is about 7.
We also all have 3 banners that roam the field taking territories and fighting other banners.