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The dogfight phase is clunky, but I think the rest of it is fine. The bulk of the book is made up of data sheets, and rules/missions centered around an air campaign. The actual rules changes that apply to general games are only a couple of pages, and I'm sure they will get included in the next edition. There is a benefit in that flyers can try to make an extra 90 degree turn in the middle of their movement. It sucks that attack flyers can't shoot at other flyers, but here I go trying to apply real world to 40k, but I don't think you'll find too many A-10's winning dogfights against Su-27's, nor would the Su-27 be as effective against ground targets as an A-10.
Skip the dogfight phase and leave out Air Superiority if it gets your panties in that much of a bunch, but the rest of it isn't game breaking. If you have a flyer like a Vendetta or a FW flyer that doesn't have a classification/agility/pursuit, then play them as they were prior to DFTS. I bet FW will put out errata for their stuff sooner or later.