I'm looking for some games Saturday start after 1:30 or any time Sunday or Monday. I'm hoping to practice 1850, preferably against non-marine armies but I'll happily play anybody. Post here or PM if interested.
I'm looking for some games Saturday start after 1:30 or any time Sunday or Monday. I'm hoping to practice 1850, preferably against non-marine armies but I'll happily play anybody. Post here or PM if interested.
I could do 1850 this Saturday. I play Chaos Space Marines. Sound good?
That sounds great! Would you prefer afternoon or evening or late evening? I am busy until 1, and then I was considering going to a friend's house to watch the A&M vs Alabama game that is supposed to be pretty good. Not sure when exactly that's on, though, and I am anyway flexible to your schedule.
I can do 4:00. I'll have to start painting in the evening, so would prefer to start then.
Cool. You'll be fielding loyalist scum, aka Space Marines?
Indeed. My new chaos marines/daemons army is both much more competitive and much more fun to play, but since paint score counts for so much I feel like I unfortunately have no choice but to trot out my middle-of-the-pack loyalist models for tournament play, as they are mostly painted (albeit poorly). I have a great deal of sculpting, converting, and magnetizing left to do on my chaos models before I can even begin to think about painting them; it's a very long-term project of Nurgle and Slaanesh love.
Right. Which I think is a good goal. IMO I think it counts a little too much, but I'm glad we have it nonetheless. I was just saying it's unfortunate in my particular case of someone trying to make a major army switch to a line of models that involve a lot of sculpting, converting, and magnetizing. Time invested in slapping on an easy paint scheme (rustcrons, woo) is rewarded under the system, whereas a lengthy sculpting or converting job to create a cool model or vehicle is not (even though it might take more time and effort than a basic paintjob). For people like me that enjoy & are good at creative modeling & bad at & not so enthuasitic about painting, it's annoying since we can't start any painting until the model work is done.
All that said, I can't think of an alternative since there's no clear & objective wsy to award points for anything but % painted. I think our current rating system is about the best option...
Headed to DLair now. Should be there around 3:30 if u want to start early.