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Thread: Master Craftsman Cryx, CoC; Cygnar/Gator lots for sale--Cheap!

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    Senior Member PeanutButterConspiracy's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Master Craftsman Cryx, CoC; Cygnar/Gator lots for sale--Cheap!

    Hey guys, I'm moving and haven't really played WarmaHordes in almost two years, so I'm selling everything off!

    I need all of this gone, so feel free to make an offer if you don't like my asking price. I'm presently not interested in trades, unless you have Gaea's Cradles and Natural Orders for MTG, or Comic Books/Graphic novels that may interest me, but cash is my primary interest. If you get a number of things together or are local, we can talk about a discount.

    Additionally, I prefer that the buyer pays for shipping, thanks!

    Cryx Army (Master Craftsman WarGamesCon 2012, proof: shoutout in NQ44)

    Imgur Album:

    -This army has a lot of conversions, which I know makes WM/H players nervous. I assure you, I've played this army all over Texas and the Country (at both LGS's and big Cons like Lock n' Load) with no problem at all. (the converted slayers all have a facial weapon and open hands)
    -I'm selling the lot with some battlefoam pluck trays meant specifically to hold these models, I'm only charging 50% MSRP for these.
    -I'm asking MSRP + 20% for the models, because of the manhours that went into them.
    Mortenebra & Deryliss: $27.99
    Deathjack: $54.99
    Slayer x3: $104.97
    Reaper: $34.99
    Harrower (classic): $32.99
    Stalker x2: $23.98
    Warwitch Siren x2: $23.98
    Scrap Thralls: $10.99
    Battlefoam (@ 50%): $25.5
    Total for lot (MSRP for models+20%+foam at 50%MSRP): $403.38

    Unpainted Convergence: (one or two pieces have primer on them, all unassembled, no cards, asking 50% Retail)
    Steelsoul Keg Protector $40
    Aurora $16.99
    Clockwork Angels $24.99
    Axis $27.99
    3x Each Servitor $11.99 x4
    Diffuser $17.99
    Galvanizer $16.99
    Mitigator x2-$18.99
    Synth NIB-$15
    Prime Axiom NIB-$144.99
    Jack Kit NIB—$34.99
    Retail: $425.87
    Asking 50% retail: $212.94

    Skorne (all unpainted, mostly assembled, no cards, asking 50% Retail)
    Naresh- $13.99
    Plastic Battlebox NIB-$49.99
    Warbeasts: all metal except Tiberion
    2 Bronzebacks-$49.99, $49.99
    2 Classic Gladiators-$34.99
    Tiberion- $34.99, $17.99
    2 willbreakers-$12.99x2
    2 Extollers- $9.99 x2
    2 Taskmaster $9.99x2
    3 agonizers-$11.99x3
    Void Spirit $12.99
    Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor $9.99
    max Nihlators $49.99
    min Swordsmen $34.99
    6 beast handlers- $19.99 + $9.99
    MSRP: $756.57
    50% MSRP $378.26

    Gators (Retail: $308.88, asking $175) PENDING
    2x Feralgeist- $9.99
    Totem Hunter-$14.99
    2x Thrullg-$13.99
    Swamp Horror-$27.99
    Max Bog Trog Ambushers- $49.99
    Max Posse-$49.99
    2x Blackhide Wrastler- $39.99
    Bull Snapper- $18.99

    Thanks for looking, guys!
    Last edited by PeanutButterConspiracy; 08-01-2014 at 05:44 PM.

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