So what is y'alls opinion on the most powerful unit in 'whfb? On my Empire website we overwhelmingly agree it to be skaven slaves. What do yall think?
So what is y'alls opinion on the most powerful unit in 'whfb? On my Empire website we overwhelmingly agree it to be skaven slaves. What do yall think?
It depends on the role...if you are talking point for point effectiveness on the field I would probably go with a WoC skullcrusher.
Fellbats are the best chaff, anything that is an elf is the best combat unit, trueflight wood elves are the best ranged unit, slanns are the best wizards, etc...
This doesn't include ET stuff. Nagash is the most retarded thing ever created, followed by stormfiends. Barring miscasting and falling down the hole I don't see how Nagash loses if properly played.
Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
Warmachine legend in training!
Kings of War if I have to...
Abe's Mom!
"Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"