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Thread: Malifaux M2E Beta Test; Week of 7/8/13

  1. #1

    Malifaux M2E Beta Test; Week of 7/8/13

    Hey, people. I'm wanting to test some Malifaux M2E beta here in Austin, TX. I prefer meeting at Dragon's Lair, but I'm down to meet at any gaming store you would prefer.

    I'm free most nights after 5, so just let me know if you're interested in putting together a game. Feel free to reply to this or hit me up with a PM.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Salubrious_vampire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Austin, Texas
    I'll be there potentially a couple of times this week (Wednesday, potentially Thursday, Saturday by request). Going to be trying out the Perdita, my Ortega's just finished a fantastic paint job and Leviticus' rules are jumping around too much for me right now (Seriously? All my abominations giving you a PERMANENT poison+1 automatically EVERY time you do ANYTHING to them, and then Levi brings them right back from the dead lasted only a week before it got nerfed? YA THINK? Dammit Wyrd, stop trying to break my outcasts. I get enough glares as it is.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Austin, Wells branch
    I just got a starter box at wargames con. I havn't been able to play at all. So if you'd like to show me the game while you test I'm down to play. I'll be heading to DL around 5 today.

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