Its is what I call the "Dos Equis" effect.

I remember when I was stationed at Ft. Bliss in El Paso and we were actually allowed to cross the border into Juarez (this was before all the drug war crap) and we used to go to this club called Spanky's. It was a freaking DIVE (but what isn't in Mexico on the border). They had "$5 drink till you drown Saturdays". They would give out 3 Dos Equis at a was super cheap and tasted like piss, but it was super cheap (cmon...$5 drink all you can). Then, all of a sudden, all these "hipsters" were buying the crap like it was going out of style.

So, I think to myself, "maybe they changed the way it tastes", so I went and had one. Nope...still tasted like sewer water.

Now they are all over Busch...goes to show...Hipsters have no taste. Or, it could be that they put up with the garbage so they can "look cool drinking piss water".