I've taken a look at it. Some things are interesting ideas (I like the way they rework magic, miscasting, etc.) but others reek of fan-made rules (the re-working of the Chaos marks and the "fix" for the test or die spells, changing killing blow to D3 wounds but still making it only usable on infantry and cavalry). Plus they haven't even addressed the most glaring issue in my mind, no counter to steadfast (more steadfast is not a counter). And I know this is in pre-alpha stages but if they want it to be usable they'll need to organize it better (right now it's add/replace items in the BRB. So that's saying you'd need to cross reference their rules, the 8th rulebook and I'm assuming the FAQ...)
After playing KoW for a bit it just seems overly convoluted. Age of Sigmar did try to streamline the rules, and it is very similar to KoW actually (flat to hit and to wound, etc.) 8th edition was fun and I did love the list building (one thing that AoS and KoW doesn't compare to, is the customization a character in 8th and previous editions could get).