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Thread: H:Cygnar W: Cryx, Mercs

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  1. #1

    H:Cygnar W: Cryx, Mercs

    (no cryx needed, forum won't let me change title)

    This is a copy of my bartertown post, but I'm local to Austin.

    Cygnar for trade. I’ve decided to scale down to flesh out my Cryx and Mercs.
    I’m definitely piecing this out, but am not selling yet. I’d like to try and trade for equal value first. Retail prices are listed for reference only. I’m totally reasonable though, so if you are eyeing a $75 unit and have two $30 units for trade, I’ll look into it. Pictures available on request of course. I do not want painted plastics as I have a hard time stripping them.

    I'm shipping out of Texas, U.S. Probably not shipping out of the U.S., maybe Canada.

    Overall Army Picture, much of this is gone:

    Stripped models may have some residual paint left on them. The metal may also be grayed from the paint. Metal and Plastic labels where applicable.

    S=Stripped B=Bare Pr=Primed M=Metal Pl=Plastic


    Nemo 2 – B $16
    Nemo 3 – B $22
    Caine 2 – S $20
    Stryker 1 – Pl, B $8
    Stryker 2 – B $20
    Sloan – B $12
    Hailey 1 –S $8 (Spear Broken but included)
    Hailey 2 – S $18
    Kraye – B $26
    Siege – S $18 (missing a piece of his backpack. Currently looking for it.)
    Kickstarter Sturgis - B $30 estimated trade value, limited card
    Kickstarter Allison Jakes - B $30 estimated trade value, limited card


    Stormsmiths X3 - B $18
    Arlan Strangeways – S $14
    Gunmage Captain – Pr X2 $9 Each
    Trencher Master Gunner – B X2 $10 Each


    Grenadier X2 - 1 Pr, 1 B $17 Each
    Charger – Pl, B $19
    Lancer – Pl, B $19
    Cyclone – Pl, Pr $35
    Hunters X2 – 1 S, 1 B $17 Each
    Centurion – M, B $35
    Defender – M, S $35
    Defender – Pl, B $35
    Hammersmith – M, B $35
    Ol’ Rowdy – B $50


    Trencher Commandos + 3 gunners – M, Some Primed, 1 painted $74
    Trenchers + UA and 1 Rocket – M, B $60
    Sword Knights Min – M, S $35


    F.A.T. Mat or G-Mat - $100 in trade (have a few now, still will trade for ones I don't have)


    Rover $35
    Kayazy Eliminators 2 units $14 each unit
    Devil Dogs $60
    Alexia and the Risen (full) $65
    Alexia 2 $30
    Steelhead Cav (2 models or min unit) $20 each
    Press Gangers (need a full and a half for maxing) $45/$35
    Sea dog boarding crew X 2 $50
    Sea Dog Deck Gun x 2 $18 each
    Anastasia $10
    Madielyn Corbeau $10
    Shae $11
    Commodore Cannon $38
    Bradigan $10
    Dirty Meg $10
    Madelyn Corbeau $10
    Savio Montero $18
    River Raiders $16

    Dominator $18
    Agitator $16
    Mind Bender and Drudges $50
    Mind slaver and Drudges units X2 $50 each

    Some 3D blu rays like Pixar, Superhero movies, stuff like that. I'm not going to list all that I have or want, just inquire and we'll talk.
    Last edited by mortal888; 10-06-2015 at 09:05 AM.

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