I am selling off my Ork army. Here are a few things off the top of my head. I will add more and pricing later but if anyone sees something they are interested in, let me know and we can work something out.
2 Dakka Jets (one mostly painted, one primed only) -- $30 ea
3 Warbuggies w/twin linked rockets (well painted except one driver was never finished) - metal -- SOLD
2 Warbuggies from Puppetswar http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=60 - New and unbuilt -- SOLD
5 Deffkoptas - 3 TL Big Guns, 2 TL rockets (Well Painted and Based) -- $60 for the squad
12 'ard Boyz - metal conversions from fantasy Orks including PK Nob - Well painted -- $20
19 Grots - These are the old style single pose models but they are really well painted -- $15
Tons O' Grots - I have a bunch of grots ranging from the old single pose models to the newer ones at various levels of painting. I will get a better listing soon, but if you are looking for grots, I gots 'em. I have Runtherds too.
12 Killa Kans - 3 are plastic and well painted, the rest are the metal ones -- $10ea
Gazkhull Thraka - Metal and well painted -- $20
Big Mek w/ Shokk Attakk Gun - Metal and well painted -- $15
Big Mek with KFF - Metal and well painted -- $10
3 Weirdboys - 2 are converted from fantasy models and well painted, One is the metal 40K model and unpainted -- $10ea (painted), $5 (unpainted)
Lots of Nobs with Various weapons - again, I will get more specific later, and they are all painted
Pain Boy with Grot Orderly - Well painted -- $15
Several Warbosses with various gear, some in mega armour. All well painted.
More to come...