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Thread: Infinity Starter League Week 2 Scenario

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Infinity Starter League Week 2 Scenario

    Here is the mission for week 2
    102 Escort
    Mission Objectives
    Each player must attempt to escort a non-combative model off of the table through the opponent’s deployment zone.
    Player’s agree upon a force of at least 100 points.
    Roll for first turn/deployment as normal.
    Scenario Set-Up:
    Deploy terrain as normal. Each player must have a model or token available to represent the model they are escorting. The model being escorted is a civilian. Any base size of 25-30mm will work as the token.
    Scenario Special Rules:
    • Civilians
    o Use the rules for Civilians as presented in the Infintity Wikki.

    End of Mission
    The Scenario is won by the player who escorts his civilian across the table and off the table through his opponent’s deployment zone first.
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    I'll allow it. In fact, I'll approve. You may proceed.

  2. #2
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    Rules for using civviesFrom the Infinity Wikki
    Civvies are non-combatant figures that, during the game, can be moved by one or more players. They lack Orders or an Order Reserve of their own. They are miniatures that do not have an active turn, and are always reactive in the turns of all players. Civvies only react in base to base contact (See below) unless the scenario states otherwise.

    Civvies can be Neutrals or Hostiles. The Hostile civvies will have a Hostile Marker (HOSTILE). Those civvies marked this way will be considered Hostiles for all players, unless the scenario states otherwise.

    Civvies can be synchronized with a player’s troops to move them through the battlefield. To do this, it is required that a trooper be in base contact with the Civilian, and, after spending 1 Short Skill, succeed at a Modified Normal WIP-3 Roll. If this is successful, the Civilian is synchronized with the trooper, applying the rules of G: Synchronized to move with him (Replacing the word “Remote” by “Civilian”).

    The exceptions applied to Civvies regarding the G: Synchronized rule are that, once synchronized, they never perform attacks, and they do not have G: Remote Presence.

    However, if the trooper fails the roll, the Civilian will flee in panic, disengaging automatically from Close Combat and moving 2 inches. To determine in which direction the Civilian moves it is necessary to apply the Dispersion rule. The centre of the Circular Template will be placed over where the Civilian is, with the number 1 pointing at the centre of the game table and the second digit of the failed roll indicating where the figure will move to.

    Civvies cannot be synchronized with Remotes and Impetuous figures.

    A figure only can synchronize with those Civvies not already synchronized and those Immobilized because their synchronization has been broken (Because their Controllers are Unconscious, dead, hacked, affected by E/M Ammunition or have turned Impetuous by Frenzy, Inspiring Leadership…).

    The maximum number of civvies a figure can have synchronized at the same time is 2.

    If the Civilian is Hostile (HOSTILE), it is necessary to succeed at a Normal WIP-6 ["Roll to synchronize it. If the roll is failed, then the Civilian will attack automatically, performing a Normal CC Roll, applying Damage PH-2, if he is successful. This roll can be made by an opposing player.

    In some scenarios, Hostile civvies can be mixed with Neutral ones, being indistinguishable from them. In such cases, when in base contact with a Civilian, it is necessary to roll 1d20 on the following table, to know which category he belongs to. Once the roll is made, the Modifier to synchronize the Civilian will be known, and the ["Hostile Marker (HOSTILE) will be placed if necessary. The chart can vary depending on the scenario.

    d20 Type of Civil
    1-10 Neutral
    11-20 Hostile
    To kill a Civilian means a Victory Points loss for a player. Each Civilian killed applies a VP penalty equal to 20% of the total Army Points of the army who killed him.

    Example: A player with a 300 point army who kills 1 Civilian will suffer a penalty of 60 Victory Points, which will be subtracted from those Victory Points gained by causing casualties to the enemy. If, at the end of the battle, that player has 180 Victory Points from causing casualties to his adversary, he must subtract those 60 points for killing Civilians. Therefore, his final Victory Point total will be only 120.

    If a player has a 100 point army, and kills 1 Civilian, then he would suffer a penalty of 20 Victory Points from any gained through causing casualties.

    Civvies can activate Deployable Weapons and Equipment (Mines, E/Mauler, CrazyKoala...) but the player must remember that if he allows them to activate and they die, he will suffer a penalty. The use of Civvies as human shields will be punished as well, applying the same penalty even if they are not killed.


    - Applying the Rules for using Civvies, what happens if a Camouflage, TO, Impersonation, Holoprojector or similar Marker tries to synchronize with a Civil?

    The Marker is automatically revealed and the miniature replaces it.
    - Applying the Fireteam Rules, what happens if a member of a Fireteam tries to synchronize with a Civil?

    If that member is not the Link Leader of the Fireteam then that figure is automatically out of the Fireteam.

    If that member is the Link Leader of the Fireteam then the Civil is can be synchronized normally, and if successes, the Civil will be sychronized to that figure. However, the Civil can not be accounted as part of the Fireteam to calculate the number of members it has. For example, a 4-members Fireteam with a synchronized Civil can not be considered as a 5-members Fireteam.
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    I'll allow it. In fact, I'll approve. You may proceed.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Psyberwolfe's Avatar
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    Looks interesting. MSV and Total Smoke here we come.
    póg mo thóin
    If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.

    Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psyberwolfe View Post
    Looks interesting. MSV and Total Smoke here we come.
    Look at you knowing and abusing the rules. Well done sir!
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    I'll allow it. In fact, I'll approve. You may proceed.

  5. #5
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    Cool. Think I will bring my Tohaa tonight.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Korwen's Avatar
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    I think my shipment of models is actually coming in tonight, pretty sure I'll end up spending all night assembling them.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Psyberwolfe's Avatar
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    EH where does the civie start? Do they start the game syncronized with a troop? Can we kidnap our opponent's civie?
    póg mo thóin
    If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.

    Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?

  8. #8
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    Civie starts in your deployment zone. Deploy them just like any other model.

    You may not kidnap your opponents Civie. The goal is to get yours home.

    They may not start the game synchorinzed you must spend the short order to perform the synchronization.
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    I'll allow it. In fact, I'll approve. You may proceed.

  9. #9
    Senior Member rabscutle's Avatar
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    I can't be there tonight, but can play whoever it is i'm scheduled to in a pick up this weekend.
    WAR Games Con 2010: Warmachine Steamroller Favored Opponent
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    WAR Games Con 2013: Narrative Favorite Teammate (Heresy/Sunday Blend)

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Just play a different army than you played against last week. That's all I ask.
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    I'll allow it. In fact, I'll approve. You may proceed.

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