Quote Originally Posted by morella888 View Post
Need a clarification on "catastrophic losses" - given the examples, is this implied to be 'more than 2/3'. I have a LOT of 3-man squads in the list I sent, had just assumed it meant more than 2/3, or conversely less than 1/3 surviving since the 25% mark is the standard generally per the RB.

Also, what was the decision on vehicles in squadrons and the survivability - we treating them as individuals? (so if 1 of a squadron of 3 survives, it could be fielded singularly in a later battle, or recombined with other singletons into a new squadron?)
I will clarify the wording, it is more than 2/3 of the unit. I hadn't really thought about vehicle squadrons though. Fluff wise it's easy to perceive of infantry models removed from the table as having been "casualties but not deaths" and returning to battle, but having a vehicle that exploded reappear doesn't make as much sense. Rules wise I don't know that it's fair to distinguish between the two though ... you are paying the points for the vehicle which we are assuming that GW properly point-costed (*cough*yeah right *cough*), why penalize players who choose vehicles as part of their forces ... ummm, so yeah I guess it would count for vehicle squadrons as well, although if people have input on that I'm willing to reconsider ... thoughts anyone?