The problem is that other types of events typically do not draw much if any interest. The community as a whole seems to be able to block on one sunday a month for games and a tournaments with its 3 guaranteed games is what the people want. They also require another dedicated person to run them. This has been tried in the past with leagues, campaigns, apoc events etc. None of them pan out as they require more time then the community seems to have the ability to expend.
As for the data. many have tried none have succeeded, you can scour the web and find many interested players such as yourself trying to gather empirical evidence on how to make the game better. So far none have succeeded. The game is too complex with too many variables to gather empirical data on how to make it better. So all we are left with is the gathered anecdotal evidence of the player base to attempt to make the game better which is what we are trying to do.