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Thread: question bout painting prices

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2012
    thunderfire cannon ironclad dreadnought and land raider crusader are my top priorities right now i can get a pic of the paint scheme tomorrow

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2010
    Assuming you don't have some crazy cross-hatched scheme, I'd be able to do those quickly and cleanly.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Sri lanka is your friend, try www.PaintedFigs.Com Navin runs a good shop, I have never had issues with him at all.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2012
    so paintedfigs does really good work but how long does it take to get your stuff done

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwolf View Post
    Assuming you don't have some crazy cross-hatched scheme, I'd be able to do those quickly and cleanly.
    but for howmuch if i can give u pics?

  6. #16
    Crazy goat
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    Austin, TX
    It really depends on what you are asking for. Ranges can go all over the place. If you built the models, need magnets, etc.

    Thunder Fire Cannon - Tier 1-1.5 based on the model etc
    Paint - $25.00 - Covers the cannon and Tech Marine - includes basing

    Paint - $25.00 - Covers the pieces as well as basing etc.

    Paint - $35.00 - no basing obviously but covers painting the model at a base standard.

    Vehicles do well at Tier 1 while Characters and other special models I would say you want better. The more models you order normally the better the discount - ie some models get painted at Tier 2 instead of at Tier 1 etc.

    You can see my site at

    Those 3 models would most likely take a few days to do depend on the scheme and if they are built already etc. I would base the Thunder Fire cannon because it will just lose paint if it doesn't have a plastic ring around it to protect it from Cheetos and other game related injuries.

    You can email me at [email protected] if you want.
    This is the grand Goatboy from BOLS. I paint and do other things - click on the links to find adventure and magic or some nonsense!
    Full of Monkey Painting
    Art Stuff!!!

  7. #17
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    I have an OOP WraithLord......
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    How much isn't a big deal to me; I need an excuse to get painting, and having a commission would force me to do it again. Get a picture of the paint scheme and we can price it.

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    hey just to piss everyone off... ol slow ass Splnes will do it for $10 the dread and the $15 for LandRaider, I undercut everyone... i dont want to touch the Thunderfire cannon... they are bad luck, give me the paint sceme and dead line and i will get them done. oh and are they assembled? i dont want to mess around with anything not glued... not for my crazy prices... and dont believe everything they say, i am slow... but only in the head!

    Im a retard with a paint brush!

    thats a horrible sales pitch right?

  10. #20
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    I'll do it......FOR ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

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