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Thread: 40k and Fantasy things I need to off load PT2!!!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    40k and Fantasy things I need to off load PT2!!!

    40k & Fantasy Bits I need to offload.

    I have bits from:
    Dark Elf Warlocks 4boxes of random unused parts.
    Box of Tomb Kings Sphinx bits enough to make a full war sphinx plus other bits.
    Demons of Chaos blood crushers 4 boxes of random bits.

    Also a bunch of Tamia plastic sand bags.
    8 50mm square bases.

    Only now I am seeking something instead of just cash. I need the Ork Deff Dread bits ROKKITZ. I need as many of those as I can get.
    Update. All you wood elf players that are buying up the trees I need the flaming stands that come with the tree kit.
    Last edited by Geist; 06-02-2014 at 05:00 PM.
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