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SteveW WargamesCon 05-08-2012,
07:18 PM
ToughRolls00 Can you please post the link... 05-09-2012,
08:32 AM
jwolf 05-09-2012,
08:38 AM
Cowboy247 Here ya go!! ... 05-09-2012,
08:39 AM
m3g4tr0n Done. 05-11-2012,
02:08 PM
CrusherJoe I just paid for my badge and... 05-16-2012,
01:47 PM
muffinman Nikki and I are both... 05-16-2012,
03:33 PM
CrusherJoe Damn it I want my title... 05-24-2012,
02:38 PM
jwolf You an use it in the... 05-25-2012,
02:50 PM
Stanislav So, I just went to look at... 06-02-2012,
10:30 AM
evilmonkey I'm finding information about... 06-03-2012,
12:04 PM
Stanislav Jon,
The Yellow Rose is a... 06-03-2012,
01:54 PM
evilmonkey Thanks Jon as that was what I... 06-03-2012,
02:57 PM
evilmonkey I know Sedition Wars: Battle... 06-03-2012,
03:54 PM
evilmonkey Yes.... 06-03-2012,
09:16 PM
firstcongowar I've never been to a minis... 06-10-2012,
06:13 PM
RealGenius From the site:... 06-10-2012,
07:22 PM
firstcongowar Yeah, I picked up an entry... 06-10-2012,
08:06 PM
penguinxrsm one thing that I am confused... 06-12-2012,
07:53 AM
daKing Does anyone know what the... 06-12-2012,
10:21 AM
I'm supposed to tell you all to sign up for WargamesCon. It's coming up. Signing up at the last minute completely screws them over financially since they have to pay money early for prizes, hotel rooms, tables, etc. So sign up now.
That is all :-)
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