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Thread: 2500 Ard Boyz Space Wolves

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2010

    2500 Ard Boyz Space Wolves

    Njal, Wolf Priest, Thunder Hammer/Combi-flamer Wolf Guard all go with the 7 man Grey Hunter Rhino Squad. Njal is there for his game effects and to cast Storm Caller/Living Lightning and a 3+ hood. The Wolf Priest makes the squad Fearless and has a combi-melta giving the squad preferred enemy as well. He also has Saga of the Hunter to give them a bonus cover save and can give them outflanking I believe. The Wolf Guard that has Cyclone ML joins one of the 3 ML Long Fangs squad for more split-fire cheese. The last 3 Wolf Guard Combi-meltas drop pod in to toast something turn 1. Bjorn is there to make 82 Counter-Attack boots fearless upon his death. I will probably just run him straight at the enemy assaulting them with S10 attacks till he dies or just shoot him if they choose to ignore him. I am not totally sold on all 5 10 man GH squads to just be melta guns. I was thinking making one a dual flamer squad and one a dual plasma squad. Any thoughts? I can't decide on which of my two list ideas for Ard Boyz is better, this or the BA one.

    2500 Pts - Space Wolves Roster

    Total Roster Cost: 2500

    HQ: Bjorn the Fell-Handed (1#, 270 pts)
    1 Bjorn the Fell-Handed, 270 pts

    HQ: Njal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests (1#, 245 pts)
    1 Njal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests, 245 pts

    HQ: Wolf Priest in Power Armour (1#, 115 pts)
    1 Wolf Priest in Power Armour, 115 pts = (base cost 100) + Wolf Tail Talisman 5 + Saga of the Hunter 10

    Elite: Wolf Guard Pack (6#, 225 pts)
    1 Wolf Guard Pack, 0 pts
    1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 48 pts = (base cost 18 + Combi-Flamer x1 5 + Thunder Hammer x1 25)
    1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 23 pts = (base cost 18 + Combi-Meltagun x1 5)
    1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 23 pts = (base cost 18 + Combi-Meltagun x1 5)
    1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 23 pts = (base cost 18 + Combi-Meltagun x1 5)
    1 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour, 73 pts = (base cost 33 + Power Fist 10 + Cyclone Missile Launcher 30)
    1 Drop Pod, 35 pts

    Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 215 pts)
    9 Grey Hunters Pack, 165 pts = 9 * 15 (base cost 15) + Mark of the Wulfen 30 + Wolf Standard 10 + Meltagun 5 + Meltagun (free)
    1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen, 15 pts
    1 Rhino, 35 pts

    Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 215 pts)
    9 Grey Hunters Pack, 165 pts = 9 * 15 (base cost 15) + Mark of the Wulfen 30 + Wolf Standard 10 + Meltagun 5 + Meltagun (free)
    1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen, 15 pts
    1 Rhino, 35 pts

    Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 215 pts)
    9 Grey Hunters Pack, 165 pts = 9 * 15 (base cost 15) + Mark of the Wulfen 30 + Wolf Standard 10 + Meltagun 5 + Meltagun (free)
    1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen, 15 pts
    1 Rhino, 35 pts

    Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 215 pts)
    9 Grey Hunters Pack, 165 pts = 9 * 15 (base cost 15) + Mark of the Wulfen 30 + Wolf Standard 10 + Meltagun 5 + Meltagun (free)
    1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen, 15 pts
    1 Rhino, 35 pts

    Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (11#, 215 pts)
    9 Grey Hunters Pack, 165 pts = 9 * 15 (base cost 15) + Mark of the Wulfen 30 + Wolf Standard 10 + Meltagun 5 + Meltagun (free)
    1 Grey Hunter w/ Mark of the Wulfen, 15 pts
    1 Rhino, 35 pts

    Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (8#, 150 pts)
    7 Grey Hunters Pack, 115 pts = 7 * 15 (base cost 15) + Wolf Standard 10 + Flamer (free)
    1 Rhino, 35 pts

    Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
    5 Long Fangs Pack, 125 pts = 5 * 15 (base cost 15) + Missile Launcher x5 50
    1 Squad Leader, 15 pts

    Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
    5 Long Fangs Pack, 125 pts = 5 * 15 (base cost 15) + Missile Launcher x5 50
    1 Squad Leader, 15 pts

    Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 140 pts)
    5 Long Fangs Pack, 125 pts = 5 * 15 (base cost 15) + Missile Launcher x5 50
    1 Squad Leader, 15 pts

    Validation Report:
    c-1. File Version: 1.17 For Bug Reports/; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission; 1. Chapter: Space Wolves
    Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

    Composition Report:
    HQ: 2 (1 - 2)
    Elite: 1 (0 - 3)
    Troops: 6 (2 - 6)
    Fast: 0 (0 - 3)
    Heavy: 3 (0 - 3)

    Created with Army BuilderŪ - Try it for free at
    Last edited by stonychavez; 03-14-2011 at 01:45 AM.

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