TPG: Warmahordes Journeyman league starting up soonish. Saturdays 2-6
So, I've been playing up at Tenth Planet Games and there are a few guys up there that want to start a journeyman league. The owners ordered the League Kit and we are trying to figure out the best way to handle it. It will be an exceptionally slow Slow Grow league (like extending the first few weeks into two weeks each or whatever) to give the guys time up there to get their stuff sorted. We've been playing Saturday from around 2 - 6 but there are people there noonish looking for Battle Box Games.
So, anyone who lives in north north austin / Cedar park / Round rock / Leander / Pflugerville who wants to get some Saturday gaming in and participate in the slow grow league are welcome.
If you have any questions, leave them in this thread and I will address them