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Thread: Coal and claw CYGNAR rawr!!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Buda, Texas

    Coal and claw CYGNAR rawr!!!

    Playing some Cygnar again until I get a 3rd list I like for Mercs. Leaning towards Durgen but, I might wait til Rhulic gets that colossal.

    Ehaley-Stormwall-Squire - Gunmages+Ua - 6 Swordknights +Ua- JM Ironclad- black 13th-lady aiyana+holt-arlan strangeways-journeymanwc

    Its my bag of tricks. Pronto ironclad so good , lame Ehaley stormwall shenanigans, lady A for shooting up menoth.

    Ecaine-Stormwall-Squire- 10Precursors +UA- ATGM+UA- rangers- mechanics-gorman- journeymanwc-professor victor pen- rhupert
    Its mainly my cryx matchup. Kill the biles with shooting and magic bullets, precurosors can't be spelled directly, Caine RFP's the bane commander and BLT so 11's to hit him with Egatsby feat.

    3mo- Stormwall-Stormstrider-StormStrider-Reinholdt-jwcaster-5 storm lances-stormcaller

    Standard zapping with some fast moving cav.


    Probably won't play in this unless I failed town SR and hardcore. Its mainly tank and spank. Earthquake is kinda funny with stormpods.
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
    Warmachine legend in training!
    Kings of War if I have to...

  2. #2
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Buda, Texas
    Well my steamroller was going hot at 2-0 Ehaley beat up Pmadrak and Ecaine dropped pmorghoul when I found out deathclock was not really deathclock. With 20minutes left on my deathclock and my temporal accelerated ironclad about to charge Ecaine with 2 focus in the rear arc for a really good chance at a boosted knockdown in front of my whole army time was called....And he won on scenario

    Hardcore I lost mage hunter with a 0 and a 5 to a 0 and a 4... 1st round I killed Vyros with 5 models,I lost 2nd round to menoth because I forgot about pkreoss purify, 3rd round I killed Pbutcher with 0 , and I lost to Evayle after leaving her on 2...she was behind a wall and was hard to hit My best damage roll was like a 7 on 3 dice haha...

    Tiers tournament: I crushed kids with 3mo and made masters. Killed hunters grim/3vlad/Ehaley/Rahn

    Masters: Round 1: Ehaley vs EDoomy: I didn't 1 round mulg and feated. But, I dropped his spirit and knocked him down with gunmages. He killed my stormwall 2 rounds later with rok/5 box left earthborn/axer. He put doomy kinda out front with only 3 fury. I shot him till he dropped.

    Round 2: 3mo vs Ekaya: I was doing nice damage to the beasts with pod bounces. He gets the stormwall down to 11 with a stalker. I feat kill the stalker/ get kaya down to 1 box/kill an alpha/ and 1/2 of the other stalker. He kills the stormwall but leaves only 3 fury on kaya and a little more left then the rest of her army. I run a stormstrider within 4" of her. Shoot my strider in the back with 2 nemo shots, chain lightning, and the other strider. GG

    Round 3: 3mo vs Pbaldur: I fry most of the bloodtrackers on the right. He misses ghetorix stoneshift to stormwall by about .75" I slam a stormlance into ghettorix and kill him with shooting. He tries to 1 round a stormstrider to get 4 control, he fails , I boost to hit with stormwall and kill bladur.

    Round 4: Ecain vs Rasheth: I lost my rangers and 1/2 of my precursors. Ecaine took 4 off a breath of corruption 2nd turn. I kill the bronze back. I kill every arc node but the agoniser that I left on 4. He clears the models engaging agoniser, run it to Ecaine who is camping 2, -3 breath of corruption rolls 13 dead Ecaine . If i survive that one arc its my army vs 2 heavies and a light.
    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
    Warmachine legend in training!
    Kings of War if I have to...

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