Hi folks. as you know all of our mini events in Nov.have a holiday twist to raise money for Blue Santa.
I would love to fill the place for these events. On Nov.6 our normal 40K date, we have a Pokemon pre-release event that we can not move. So I want to push the 40K event to the next week. This way you have the front and back of the store so nobody has to be turned away for lack of tables.
Hope you can all be there.
Nov. 13 Warhammer 40K 10:00am registration Dice roll 10:30 am
2000 points Standard FOC construction rules Special event- $5 Fee
If you pay $10.00 fee to play you get 500 extra points added to your army
$1.00 rerolls You re-roll your dice, for a $1.00 you make your apponent re-roll his dice.
You can make the guy on the other side of the room re-roll if you want.
You can walk in from the street not be in the event and make people reroll as long as you
pay a $1.00 each time.
All the money is going to gifts for Blue Santa.