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Thread: Eldar, cutting down to 1850

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  1. #10
    Hedgefund (Admin) Darkwynn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    Another option is to drop one dark reaper and cut the wraithguard squad down to 5, then take a fourth guardian squad. The list actually gains killing power that way (getting more than about 7 WG into range of something without assuming the "get raped by blast templates formation" is unlikely), but the WG become non-scoring then. It also gets harder to keep the wraithlords awake without a spiritseer, but that's realistically not a huge risk - they should be within counter-assault range of Eldrad anyway. List ends up looking like this:

    (210) Eldrad
    (155) Avatar

    (192) 10 Howling Banshees: Exarch w/ Executioner, Acrobatic, War Shout
    (175) 5 Wraithguard
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (100) 10 Guardians w/ Eldar Missile Launcher
    (152) 10 Dire Avengers: Exarch w/ Dual ASC's, Bladestorm
    (174) 6 Warp Spiders: Exarch w/ Dual Deathspinners, Powerblades, Withdraw
    (182) 4 Dark Reapers: Exarch w/ Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance
    (155) Wraithlord: 2x Flamers, Eldar Missile Launcher, Bright Lance

    I guess the question is, am I better off with 4 very squishy scoring units, or one absurdly durable scoring unit and 2 squishy ones?


    10 x Wraithguard (11#, 396 pts)
    1 Spiritseer - Conceal
    9 x Dire Avengers (9#, 108 pts)
    3 x Guardian Jetbike Squadron (4#, 145 pts) - Shuriken Cannon x1)
    1 Spiritseer Embolden; Spiritseer Upgrade; Singing Spear

    Wraithlord (1#, 120 pts) - Flamer x2; Wraith sword; Brightl ance
    Wraithlord (1#, 120 pts) - Flamer x2; Wraithsword; brightlance
    Wraithlord (1#, 120 pts) - Flamer x2; Wraithsword; Brightlance

    5 x Harlequin Troupe (6#, 182 pts) - Harlequins Kiss x5; Fusion Pistol; Fusion Pistol;
    1 Shadowseer - Harlequins Kiss

    7 x Warp Spiders (8#, 218 pts) - 7 Warp Spiders
    1 Warp Spider Exarch - Withdraw ; Hit & Run; Powerblades; Death Spinner x2

    Work something with that as a frame
    Last edited by Darkwynn; 10-01-2010 at 11:34 AM.

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