To add to my excuses as to why my marines are unpainted/painted poorly after 14 years, 12 months ago I started my first-ever non-marines army to celebrate getting into law school. While I was gone the last three months, I am trying hard to get back into the hobby and to complete my vision for a highly-modified and extensively greenstuffed Nurgle/Slaanesh army that spans both Chaos Space Marine and Chaos Daemon models.
As for fluff, I have the characters and background extensively mapped out, but will have to wait until I have more free time to move things from my head to paper.
Current main characters:
Virules (count-as Typhus) [Vir-u-les, as in “virulent”]
The Shadow of Virules (Nurgle Daemon Prince or Great Unclean One)
2x yet unnamed Keeper of Secrets
2x yet unnamed minor sorcerers of Slaanesh
In this thread I will be posting pictures of work in progress as well as unit descriptions and background short stories.