Hey all,
So, I asked this in the Privateer Press forums, and only got a bunch of guys arguing about their conversion policy. Hopefully ya'll can give me some tips/tutorial-links that can help me out.
So, I want to take this Dire Troll Mauler:
And magnetize it and add accessories to make it usable as the other two warbeasts that it looks like, the Bomber and Blitzer, shown here:
I plan to remove the spines, put a magnet in the back for the gunner and fuse-lighter, then put magnets in the hands to add bombs.
Several problems I forsee:
1) I need to buy or make barrels the right size.
2) I want to make my own gunner platform, to look like more like a mounted gun.
3) I don't know how best to imbed the magnets in the Mauler model.
Can anyone provide any tips or links that might help me out with this? I've never done something on this scale before. Thanks!