Bayou Battles Update and deadline reminders
Just under 7 weeks until Bayou. We now stand at 54 registered and 23 paid, with about 8 lists submitted with reviews ongoing. Here are the upcoming deadlines:
Special Characters: If you are planning to submit a list with a special/named character, the list is due by July 4th. Any list with a Special/Named character submitted after this deadline will be returned outright.
All Other Lists: Lists are due by July 24th.
Payment of Entry Fees: Early Bird discount has passed. Fee is now $65 (+2.50 paypal fees if paying that route).
We have room for 82, so there is plenty of space left. However, we also realize that the tournament scene is changing (as evidenced by the relatively low turnout at Capital City Carnage and the slow pace of sign-ups for Bayou). If you are a regular attendee of the Texas IndyGT tournaments, but are not planning on attending Bayou (or the others), feel free to share with us why [contact us directly at bayoubattles (at) gmail (dot) com]. No finger pointing or blame expected...we just want to make sure we understand the viability of putting on tournaments at this scale in the future.
Rick Hoy
-Bayou Harbinger
[email protected]