Issues with painting in my limited time off from law school are 1) I have to finish sculpting a model before I can paint it; 2) it took me a very long time to get all my chaos marines and daemons converted and built and magnetized, and now I am still using my limited time to finish sculpting (after which I will paint- I need to finish my sculpting/converting work on 2x heldrakes and 2x soul grinders and then I am finally 100% done after a year and a half, ignoring Plague Marines); and 3) I lost like 6 months on my chaos/daemons schedule because I decided to start a big new Space Marine army that required a fair amount of converting and sculpting also (totally my own fault).
But I knew that my goals for my Chaos stuff were pretty grandiose and that it would probably take me all 3 years of law school to build, sculpt, and paint them. It's a long-term project and I hope the results will ultimately be worth it, since I hope my painted models will be really unique.