Poll Results

View Poll Results: If noodlers was an Ork he would be a...


This poll will close on 12-26-2015 at 02:17 PM

  • Gretchin, because he is light on his feet.

    0 0%
  • Runt Herder, because he protects the herd.

    2 40.00%
    1. noodlers,
    2. RealGenius
  • Ork Boy, because he is just one of the guys.

    0 0%
  • Nob, because he is a natural middle manager.

    1 20.00%
    1. DandyPandy
  • Big Mek, Because he is always playing with things.

    1 20.00%
    1. CRP
  • War Boss, because he is a big pimpin' Papa Ork.

    1 20.00%
    1. Sloth