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Thread: 8th edition

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    8th edition

    What do you think is wrong with 8th edition and what do you think needs to be done fix it?

    That's the question.

    This not an invitation for an open B%$#@ session. I want real answers to this

    Post your responses here or PM them to me.

    I want no debate here on a persons response.
    If you agree that a posted problem is real but have a different solution PM me
    your answer to the problem.

    I will compile the responses and an open roundtable will be held right after
    this Sundays event.

    Why start this? Lets face it 8th edition is in trouble in Austin.
    Some neat things were done a War con this past weekend.

    I normally would hate to do this kind of thing but
    I think Austin needs a edition 8.5 to get this game back on it's feet and growing

    Fire away.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Red Zeke's Avatar
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    Ban everyone but Dwarfs from winning.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Alright here we go.
    1 Stead Fast and Cheap units. Stead fast makes cheap low cost troops like skaven slaves way too good for there cost. Stead fast works properly when its in use with costly troops. Because that is more in line with the spirit of the idea.

    2 Mega spells, currently there are 2 mega spells that truly need some type of "handling" dreaded 13th and dwellers below. Transformation is bad but its not as bad in my two cents as a spell that just wipes out units. At least when your made into a beast you actually have to roll to wound and the target of the combat can get some type of save for the majority of the attacks.

    3 Is one I don't think alot of folks will complain about but its been around for a long time. Cannons forming the dreaded 4th template. A line that hits everything, that is the number one reason folks are scared to mount there heros on something epic like a dragon.

    Ok these are the problems now for my take on how to answer these problems.

    1 Take steadfast and make it be number of combat ranks, not more ranks. Failing that make some sort of system that simply makes it so you don't have 50 2pt models holding up 30 or 40 bad *** fighting types. I am sure there is a more succinct way to answer the stead fast problem. I am not 100% sure what it is but something to do with rank bonuses mattering more again instead of just more ranks period.

    2 Simple fixes here, 13th should not work on any character on foot, also included a system where monstrous infantry counts as 3 models instead of 1. So you have to do 3 wounds per model changed over 1 monstrous infantry to a rat. Second dwellers gives look out sirs. There its fixed.

    3The cannon fix is as simple as it is needed. Make cannons randomize. IE if your on a dragon, 5-6 hits rider the rest hits beast. Take away the 4th template. We all know there should only be 3 templates in the game not 4. Cannons, I can feel the dwarf and empire hate from here, damn that will keep me warm come December.

    Alright that should get the ball rolling and rember folks, I don't claim to have all the answers, just good ones.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    1. Ban Power scroll

    2. Allow look out sir on dwellers bellow

    3. No folding tower.

    4. Write actual scenarios with conditions other than VP's or killing each other.

    5. it has to be talked about. Make it cheaper. The empire army i just built if i had had to buy it brand new off the shelf would come in at over $550 dollars and it is by no means a crazy army.

    Fantasy has become CRAZY expensive to build and army for.

    40k is a much more scalar game compared to fantasy and as such you can spread(hide) the cost of army construction along the way.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Safad's Avatar
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    I had a beautifull long post that got erased cause i took to long writing it so here goes an abridged version

    1. Massive spells should allow ward saves and lookout sir rolls.
    2. Cavalry need a bonus when charing to help negate steadfast impact hits maybe or more ranks for purposes of breaking steadfast.
    3. True line of sight is stupid. Hidding a cannon behind a wall of dwarfs cause it can "technically" see through them is dumb and annoying to play against.
    4. Steadfast units who make thier break chech should suffer some casualties depending on how badly they lost combat.
    5. Dont penalize higher end armies bolster lower end armies instead.
    6. Use more terrain. It does have a purpose, like breaking streadfast.
    7. Playtest. I and Im sure several others would gladly devote play time to test new possible rules.
    "Know your enemy and know yourself, and find no fear in one hundred battles." - Sun Tzu

  6. #6
    Junior Member Safad's Avatar
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    One final thing please enforce the number one rule if someone is actively making the game unenjoyalbe by whining complaining or being mean spirited kick them out. Its a game it should be fun. 99% if you guys are good about this 99% of the time and everyone is entitled to a bad day or bad dice rolls but PLEASE dont take it out on other people. This is my hobby my real life is stressfull enough.
    "Know your enemy and know yourself, and find no fear in one hundred battles." - Sun Tzu

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    4. Write actual scenarios with conditions other than VP's or killing each other.
    This is not a rule change but is very much needed and would go a long way to making things more fun!
    Simple answer I work 80+ hours a week. No time and not enough sleep to write.

    I was promised hundreds of scenarios for fantasy and 40k by the playing community. To date I have gotten three and they were used.
    Lets fix this people. Put up or shut up.

    Fantasy has become CRAZY expensive to build and army for.

    Yep these hobbies cost money no lie!
    At DL we have never stopped anyone from using cheaper mini's or using very creative filler pieces in large blocks, which I think are neat. These things have helped a lot of people cut costs.
    Any other ideas. If so lets spin this off to another topic. It's to important to get lost in here.
    Last edited by Fang27; 07-13-2011 at 08:31 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Nuffle_Hate_Me's Avatar
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    Three ways to improve local play

    1. Use the book scenarios as the base for most scenarios.

    2. Make the players be prepared to play all the book scenarios, this makes a player prepare differently.

    3. Use more terrain and use/mandate the variable terrain rules in the book. i.e. Forests cancel Steadfast!

    If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong

  9. #9
    Senior Member Nuffle_Hate_Me's Avatar
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    Ban: Book of Hoeth and Power Scrolls

    Limit the number of troop that can occupy a building for the Folding Fortress trick, I suggest 40 models total including characters.

    If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong

  10. #10
    Senior Member Nuffle_Hate_Me's Avatar
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    I might be convinced that allowing a LOS for any spell that effected each model in a unit is a good idea but I am on the fence and don't like calling out specific spells (What about Purple Sun, Infernal Gateway, etc), it also somewhat future proofs the house rules we are proposing for new books.

    If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong

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