So, after Feast of Blades I think it's time to try out an army other than Chaos Space Marines. As I've got 2 copies of the Dark Vengeance starter kits, I've decided to go with Dark Angels and created an 1851 pt list (need to find a way to shave a single point off, but I think that's impossible). Anyhow, having never played this army before and only using Army Builder to create the list, I wanted to see if it's too out there.


200 pts Sammael on Corvex

100 pts Librarian Psyker Lvl 1


185 pts Tactical Squad Plasma gun, Plasma Cannon, Sgt has Plasma Pistol & Chainsword

185 pts Tactical Squad Plasma gun, Plasma Cannon, Sgt has Plasma Pistol & Chainsword

301 pts Ravenwing Attack Squad 6 Bikes, Attack Bike w/ Multi-melta, Land Speeder w/ Multi-melta & Typhoon Missile Launcher

80 pts Ravenwing Attack Squad 3 Bikes

80 pts Ravenwing Attack Squad 3 Bikes


240 pts Deathwing Terminators x5 w/Assault Cannon

240 pts Deathwing Terminators x5 w/Assault Cannon


140 pts Predator w/Twin-linked Lascannon & Lascannon Sponsons


Aegis Defence Line w/ Quad-gun


There is not a lot of special wargear, but I love the idea of having Bikes as troops. If I could do that with Bikes in my Chaos list I'd dump the Plague Marines altogether. The plan is to have the tactical squads hold Objectives with the Librarian & Predator behind the Aegis Defence Line, while the Bikes push out towards the enemies' line to contest/take Objectives and the Terminators will Deep Strike to clear out any entrenched opposition. There's 48 models in this list and it looks solid to my Dark Angels noob eye. As I'm going based on what I have available (2 tac squads, 2 ravenwing squads, 2 terminator squads, 1 DA battleforce, Sammael & a SM Predator) I won't be able to change out many models, but am willing to drop a tac marine here or there to be able to get any wargear that can significantly improve the list's efficiency. I'm open to suggestions, so please fire away.