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Thread: attn: TOs Who Think They Are Game Designers

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  1. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    So.. don't try to change the game.. But than only change the game in ways you say so.

    Lets see how you want to change the game

    1. Battleforged only
    2. Ban reaver
    3. Ban Warhound
    4. Ban Revenant
    5. Somehow magically make a hobbyist prize category with equivalent prizes (we already do, called best painted) People have been trying to do that unsuccessfully for 10 years now. What would you suggest we do, specifically?

    While i liked Tyson's missions and look forward to Feb and March i didn't see anything that was the magic bullet or that was any less rule rewritey than what we had tried. He just went a different way with it. I still had to play 5 hive tyrants .

    But i will say we have totally backed off the source thing and the comp thing and are pretty in line with your thinking-ish
    Last edited by Minus67; 01-27-2015 at 03:12 PM.

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