Quote Originally Posted by Hogleg View Post
Stealth and shrouding was worse, you know that right? It was the reason 2+ re rolls happen.

I'll concede that Daemonolgy is busted beyond all damn.

But the rest of 7th is not bad at all especially given states of the game in the past.

You're talking about breaking ignores cover and putting stealth and shrouding back in. Great job so called better than GW at designing games.

No one will be 100% happy ever. I propose we play the game we play or we go home and jerk off to our kingdom death minis.
Breath in Tyson breath in. This is for Feedback. Stealth and shrouding wasn't worst and wasn't the reason why 2+ reroll existed. It was a way to get them but it didn't happen offten. The usually way was enhance, start with a 2+ save or just cast shroud because you already had a character with stealth. Invisibility wasn't worst in the last edition because it only effected the number of the save on the back end of the formula. Current Invisibility changes front end (to hit) which by that very definition makes it a lot stronger.

Ignore cover is a consideration it doesn't eliminate the 2+ save if someone goes to ground but merely shifts the number.

Also this isn't for the local tournament scene but for GT's across the nation.