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Thread: Bring Back 192837465!!!!!!!

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  1. #6
    Hedgefund (Admin) Darkwynn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by muffinman View Post
    really, banning people from a friendly local forum like this one should be reserved for serious infractions. there are plenty of people that post dumb stuff totally off topic and troll these forums. Sam didn't do anything that should have gotten him kicked off the forum. in fact, he made the forum much more entertaining to read.

    the admins on this forum have been getting a little out of hand with editing/deleting users' posts and banning people. Seriously, throwing your weight around like that and banning people that you and everyone else in the club knows in real life is only going to damage the community. do you really want that?

    Only two people have been banned for the year+ this forum has been up and running and it has happened in recent weeks for people getting out of hand. One of them has been restored from unban. People need to remember that this is not AMM and these boards are not for the old BFG community. People complained that AMM never had moderators and now they complain that there are rules and moderators. That being said we have moderators and rules for people to follow to help the growth of the community. This is board is for all of Central Texas and there are 5x the personalities are on here then AMM. The old styles of people being able to troll make jokes of people and think they would be okay does not cross well outside the group who are trying to join the community. We have people ranging from 14 years old all the way to 50+. Having ten people who think they can joke around because of old times isn’t going to work I am sorry but times change and the community changes with or without you and that has been a hard lesson for a lot of people to learn even myself and others.

    Look at the Warmachine group that has grown on the boards and the diversity of that group. We never had that on AMM or the size and the group interacts differently from anyone else and they are helpful.

    I restored this post under better judgement to be transparant as possibile. Please be civil.
    Last edited by Darkwynn; 02-13-2012 at 02:07 PM.
    Stony said...

    After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:

    "But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."


    "But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."

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