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Thread: Austin Competitive 40K

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  1. #1
    Haemonculus CrusherJoe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Austin, TX...y'all.

    Austin Competitive 40K

    A few observations I've made over the last few weeks have got me to thinking:

    Austin is no longer the powerhouse of competitive 40K play.

    That's not saying there isn't great 40K playing going on here -- there is.

    But I'm pretty sure it's not the same anymore.

    Part of it, I think, is due to there being no "clubhouse" anymore. Let's face it, BFG was the competitive play shrine and clubhouse. DL is great -- make no mistake -- but it REALLY cramps my style when I have to watch my language while I play. I cuss. I use profanity. I work in profanity like other men work in oils, acrylics, or stone. It's my true medium. Sometimes, you just need to yell, "**** YOU, ASSHAT!" and not have some twenty-something "remind" you to "watch your language". I recognize that DL is a family-friendly place (and let's face it, they're still in business after so many years, so they're doing something right) but that doesn't mean that the atmosphere there isn't different and that's brought about some changes.

    Life, it seems, has taken it's toll, too.

    Nick is on the road more than he's here.

    Thomas barely plays anymore that I see.

    Same thing goes for Jwolf.

    There are certainly other good -- great -- players here, but these are the folks that helped put Austin on the map as "the" city for competitive 40K play.

    I understand there was a meeting of the minds a while back and everyone decided to "scale it back".

    This, I think, is bull****.

    I don't mind losing. Hell's bells, I know I'm not that good right now, but I'm trying to get better -- I'd actually like to play at a national tournament and go in there knowing I've got a realistic shot at winning because I've been playing against the 40K elite.

    I'm also willing to do whatever it takes to put Austin back on the map. If that means playing in someone's house on the weekends/evenings, so be it. I want to get better, and I'm pretty sure the only way to do that is to have my ass handed to me over and over by the best until I learn how to play at that level.

    I'm pretty sure there are others here that feel the same way.

    Who's with me, and how do we go about making this happen?

    I open the floor for discussion.
    Last edited by Bushido; 08-30-2011 at 09:38 AM.
    Malory: Jesus, God, Sterling. School girls?!
    Archer: Oh, those are just costumes.
    Malory: And I suppose that makes it better?
    Archer: Doesn't it?

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