Davy and I are considering something a little silly for next Double Deuces on 5/17 and want to get a feel for how many of you would be willing to participate.

White Elephant Night
Each player brings a 2500pt army (it doesn't have to be a good army, but it must be comprised of your own models--no proxies). The army lists are slipped into unlabeled envelopes which are placed on the table. Straws are drawn to determine an order of all participants. The first person picks an envelope and opens it, silently reads the details of the army list, but only tells the rest of the group what type of army it is (Ex: "It's an Ogre Army") but not whether it's good or bad. He then places it back into the envelope and holds onto it--unless someone steals this army from him, this is the army he will play. Then in turn, the participants choose to either select and view a new envelope from the table or to "steal" a previously selected envelope. If an envelope is "stolen", the person who had their envelope taken from them gets to select a new one; and then the turn passes. When all the envelopes have been selected, the white elephant part is over and we do our normal 2-game tourney but without paint scores.

We're posting this event really early in order to gauge the interest level. Please post below if this sounds fun to you. If we get 6 or more people who are interested by sometime early next week, we'll go for it, otherwise we'll do something else.