I know CRP said to just show up, but I'm not a "just show up" kind of guy. As I mentioned in my other thread, I've got 1000pt SM that I would like to bring out and re-enter the grim dark future. I played in 2nd and 3rd edition. I've read the rules for 7th and my codex, but I know a lot of it won't stick until I play again. Please assumed that it's going to be a slower than normal, mentoring kind of evening. I'm making this sound fun, aren't I? The upside is I'm not a dick, and according to my wife, I'm not bad to look at.

I can be up at DL anytime after 6:00. I don't know what the rules are on beverages up there, but I'll gladly bring you the liquid refreshment of your choice* and an almost guaranteed win for the night.

*that I can find at HEB