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Thread: H: Space Wolves - WolfGuard Company + Scouts - no paint, lots of bits; W: $$, trades

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    H: Space Wolves - WolfGuard Company + Scouts - no paint, lots of bits; W: $$, trades


    Space Wolves – These guys were kitted up to be a Logan Grimnar all WolfGuard/ Scout/ Thunderwolf type army. All on Foot like Russ intended, dammit.

    MOST are unassembled and no paint.

    I do have a selection of SM vehicles if you want to ask, most assembled – check out my New Marine post for unbuilt. I also have a few Dreads, but none are Wolfy.

    Price is OBO and willing to trade for:
    - Lord of the Rings/Hobbit/ Battle of 5 armies, ect – good guys first, but any other let me know – first priority
    - WarMachine and Hordes – not keen on Cryx and one other, just lemme know, looking for large comparable collections, but we can deal
    - Warhammer Fantasy/ Age of what? – newer plastic - Elves, Dwarves, orcs, maybe men
    - kings of war – in case you went out and got a TON of the Dwarves.
    - historical games, non Flames of War

    NiB - Njal, Arjac, and Logan – all in FineCast
    Metal Wolf Priest - loose, but complete

    Badasses – unless noted, unassembled:
    20x WolfGuard termies, mixed with regular marines for more variation, lots of bits
    6x Thunderwolf Cavalry/ 6 riders, with plenty of extra stuff (3 assembled)
    5x extra Thunderwolf Riders – legs, torso and all. I was going to magnetize some of the riders so I could make the Thunderwolves more flexible – different weapons, WolfLord or Leader options, ect
    3x Free - big wolves that can be made into thunderwolves with some work – they are from a DnD collectable mini game – just need a little filing around where the legs go, just a night with a hobby knife - these are free
    10x Fenrisian Wolves (5x assembled)
    3x hellhound wolf things for making into Cyber wolves (just paint the bones steel)

    Wolf scouts – I kit bashed scouts with marauders (cav & foot) and got some really tough looking wolf scouts that carry a good 13th company or pre-heresy feel - these guys cost me blood - razors are sharp!
    20x Wolf Scouts, some with plasma, some with melta and flamer. Some with spears and shields, axes, power weapons, ect
    Tons of extras for these guys – with just 10 more scout bodies and legs, more could be made and all but 3 are assembled.

    Wolf Dudes – lots of extras from wolfpacks old and new, regular marines, Chaos Space Marines and Warriors of Chaos – these guys were meant to be wolfguard or WG leaders, RunePriest, ect.
    33x sets of legs and far more torsos, arm pairs, tons of all weapons, lots of shields, plasma, missile launchers, hairy bits, helmet and unhelmet heads – pretty much anything ever made that looks good with wolves.

    4x commanders
    20x termies
    9x Thunderwolf Cav (assuming 3 free crappy ones are used), 11x thunderwolf riders
    13x Fenrisian Wolves
    20x Custom Wolf Scouts - Pic available!
    33x wolf dudes that could be used for anything, but lots of bits for WolfGuards and I even was making a Bjorn figure - pre-Dreadnaught

    $245 – priced to sell. I’d rather not part these guys out at this time. PICS are available, but most are unassembled so you would see pics of my little storage bins where it is all kept nice and neat.
    Last edited by Eusebius Rex; 08-27-2015 at 07:46 AM.

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