As we discussed earlier, figured it would be a good idea to have a central place for everyone to put up some pictures of their model exchange projects for posterity and such.

So, to start things off, here's Rhupert Carvolo I did up for Alex (Salubrious_Vampire)-- During finals week, no less!

Still experimenting with my photo setup, so he looks a little overexposed/washed out. That being said, I'm really happy with how he turned out! Tried patina on bronze for the first time--After a few botched attempts, I think it came together pretty well.

I'm excited to see what everyone else did! If anybody needs help taking pictures, I'll be at DLair on Wednesday (shock, I know), and can bring my camera to try and snap some photos. Can't promise much in the way of quality, as evidenced above, but it's better than nothing!