I don't want to buy 5 more Razorbacks. I lucked into 5 missile launchers from a friend. GW has no model for Thunderwolves, and the online sculpts I've seen cost $95 for 5. Needless to say, I play Wolves and am lamenting the fact that many "competitive" lists utilize 2/3 of the above units. Couple this with the fact that everyone is cooking up some nastiness for 'Ard Boyz, I am wondering if the current wolves meta in competitive play is "spam=win? I know "Ard Boyz tournies exemplify harsh lists, but can Wolves win consistently without spam? I heard the guy (kid really) who won at Adepticon had no spam, but used mass grey hunters and Njal to carry his victories. Do I have to max out missile spam/razors to compete with Valks/Raiders/Razorbacks? I know launchers are cheap for Wolves, but...