Alright Infinity fans here it is. Here is our "Kitchen Sink" basic token set. It contains 70 total tokens. This Kitchen Sink set is $17.50.
Here's what is in this set:

8 x 1 Wound
5 x 2 Wound
2 x 3 Wound
5 x Prone
5 x Mines
1 x Impersonation 1
1 x Impersonation 2
3 x Repeaters
4 x Immobilized
4 x Disabled
1 x Possesed
3 x TO Camo Blue
3 x TO Camo Yellow
3 x Camo Grey 3 color
3 x Camo Green Grey 2 color
3 x Camo Green Grey 3 color
6 x Camo Orange Grey 3 color
4 x Holo Echo
1 x Link Team Leader
2 x Burnt
3 x Unloaded

We can also do any of the tokens available for Infinity, and can modify the contents of this sheet of 70 to fit your wants. Custom orders can also be made. We ask for custom orders to be placed in groups of 10 tokens at $2.50 per 10 tokens. Place your questions here and PM me with what token sets you want.
