Selling my 40K Ork Army. It is mostly unpainted and still on the sprues.

While I would prefer to sell it as a bundle, I am also willing to individually sell each item. Here's what I have...

Newest edition codex

5 Ork Nobz, Pewter, unpainted and in box (like new)

10 Ork boyz, plastic, in sprues, one sprue is primed white

2 Plastic Warbikes on sprues

5 Stormboyz on sprue, in box

25 Ork boyz of assorted equipment, glued onto bases, poorly painted (I would recommend a bath in alcohol and scrubbing with a toothbrush to remove)

1 Mega-armored Ghazkull Thrakka, pewter

1 Big Mek

30 Professionally painted Ork Boyz (Email me for a pic, they're really very nice) (NOT INCLUDED IN BUNDLE, EMAIL ME FOR DETAILS)

1 Assault on Black Reach Warboss

7 Plastic Nobz

9 Heavy Weapons Ork Boyz on Sprues (From Assault on Black Reach I believe)

1 Box of Ork Boyz, plastic, in sprues, in box, like new

Please feel free to email me with with any offers. I'm willing to work with you to find a fair price.

[email protected]