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Thread: FS: Some or all Secret Weapon Miniatures City and damaged City tiles and terrain

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    FS: Some or all Secret Weapon Miniatures City and damaged City tiles and terrain

    Hey All,

    After almost two years I finally have my tiles, and soon terrain but they forgot to ship it in the box but it should be with me soon, for a full 4x6 City tile set and full 4x6 damaged city tile set. The problem though is that I really don't play the game anymore and I definitely don't need two sets of tiles to run on two tables.

    Given this I wanted to see if anyone who maybe didn't get into the kickstarter or anyone who might just want some nice table tiles would be interesting in buying some or all of my sets.

    Here is a link to the kickstarter:

    Looks like they just posted the tile sets for sale on their website. Here are links to the "Clean" and "dirty" tile sets for a 4x6 table. These are exactly what I have and would like to sell. For the sets without the terrain since it's not here yet I would ideally like to get $200 per set. That is $50 off the price on the website.
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    Last edited by Nettingbot; 10-31-2014 at 11:45 AM.

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