Soooooo...... Chris C. and I played in the Adpeticon Team tournament as ringers with Brian and Josh this past Saturday and I got to play with 1000 pts of his Dark Eldar and I fell in love with them. After reading the codex and getting some games with them this is a 2000 pts list I came up with.

I decided to go with shardnets/impalers for the blood brides because they will be accompanied by my HQ's and I think it would be awesome to be able to stick them on any enemy HQ's or powerfists to take away their attacks in combat seeing as they will be my targets with these squads.

I went with Vect as an HQ because he is just awesome and has the ability to kill HQs like Mephiston before they can even swing and his 4+ sieze is nice. The archon of course is a mini-vect.

I decided to go with 2 troops of wyches and 2 troops of Kabalite warriors in venoms for my troops. The Kabalite warriors will hang back blasting 12 4+ poison shots with a 36" range which is nice for demon princes, Nid MC's, and now Dreadknights. The wyches wil do what wyches do and accompany the blood brides into battle.

I went with 3 ravagers as my heavy support choices 2 being lances and 1 being disintegrator cannons to handle terminators and whatnot.

The list has alot of long range support and fast assault units with all raiders having grisly trophies and flicker fields and the blood brides raiders have torment launchers which add a -1 Ld modifier to all enemies within 6" which will be nice for combat results.

Any suggestions?

2000 Pts - Dark Eldar Roster

Total Roster Cost: 2000

HQ: Asdrubael Vect (1#, 240 pts)
1 Asdrubael Vect, 240 pts

HQ: Archon (1#, 135 pts)
1 Archon, 135 pts = (base cost 60 + Agoniser 20 + Haywire Grenades 5) + Ghostplate Armour 10 + Combat Drugs 10 + Shadow Field 30

Elite: Hekatrix Bloodbrides (10#, 275 pts)
8 Hekatrix Bloodbrides, 140 pts = 8 * 15 (base cost 13 + Haywire Grenades 2) + Shardnet & Impaler x2 20
1 Syren, 55 pts = (base cost 23 + Haywire Grenades 2 + Phantasm Grenade Launcher 10 + Agoniser 20)
1 Raider, 80 pts = (base cost 60) + Torment Grenade Launchers 5 + Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Elite: Hekatrix Bloodbrides (10#, 275 pts)
8 Hekatrix Bloodbrides, 140 pts = 8 * 15 (base cost 13 + Haywire Grenades 2) + Shardnet & Impaler x2 20
1 Syren, 55 pts = (base cost 23 + Haywire Grenades 2 + Phantasm Grenade Launcher 10 + Agoniser 20)
1 Raider, 80 pts = (base cost 60) + Torment Grenade Launchers 5 + Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Troops: Wyches (11#, 255 pts)
9 Wyches, 128 pts = 9 * 12 (base cost 10 + Haywire Grenades 2) + Razorflails x2 20
1 Hekatrix, 52 pts = (base cost 20 + Haywire Grenades 2 + Phantasm Grenade Launcher 10 + Agoniser 20)
1 Raider, 75 pts = (base cost 60) + Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Troops: Wyches (11#, 255 pts)
9 Wyches, 128 pts = 9 * 12 (base cost 10 + Haywire Grenades 2) + Razorflails x2 20
1 Hekatrix, 52 pts = (base cost 20 + Haywire Grenades 2 + Phantasm Grenade Launcher 10 + Agoniser 20)
1 Raider, 75 pts = (base cost 60) + Grisly Trophies 5 + Flickerfield 10

Troops: Kabalite Warriors (6#, 110 pts)
5 Kabalite Warriors, 45 pts = 5 * 9
1 Venom, 65 pts = (base cost 55 + -10) + Splinter Cannon x2 20

Troops: Kabalite Warriors (6#, 110 pts)
5 Kabalite Warriors, 45 pts = 5 * 9
1 Venom, 65 pts = (base cost 55 + -10) + Splinter Cannon x2 20

Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 115 pts)
1 Ravager, 115 pts = (base cost 105) + Flickerfield 10

Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 115 pts)
1 Ravager, 115 pts = (base cost 105) + Flickerfield 10

Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 115 pts)
1 Ravager, 115 pts = (base cost 105) + Flickerfield 10

Validation Report:
1. Dark Eldar Army: Kabal; c-1. File Version: 1.19 For Bug Reports/; b-1. Roster Options: Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Composition Report:
HQ: 2 (1 - 2)
Elite: 2 (0 - 3)
Troops: 4 (2 - 6)
Fast: 0 (0 - 3)
Heavy: 3 (0 - 3)

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