Finally, clear answers to turbulant questions:
Q: How many Pinning tests can a squad firing multiple
Pinning weapons cause on the enemy it is shooting? (p31)
A: Each unit can only cause a maximum of one Pinning
test on each enemy unit wounded, per turn, regardless of
the number of wounds caused, unless specifically stated
Q: Can a unit deploy in impassable terrain? (p92)
A: Not unless it is specifically allowed to move through
impassable terrain.
Q: Does a unit with Stealth that is in the open have its
cover save improved from none to 6+? (p76)
A: No, there must be a cover save to start with for it to be
Seriously, wtf?:
Q: If only some of the models in a unit have the Stealth
special rule, does the whole unit benefit from the +1 cover
save? (p76)
A: Yes. In effect the ones with the Stealth special rule
ensure their colleagues also find good places to hide.
Q: Can an unoccupied building be assaulted or shot at?
A: No. You cannot target an unoccupied building. However
if any weapons scatter onto an unoccupied building then
resolve the hit as normal.
Q: Can you ram a building? (p79)
A: No. The vehicle will simply stop if it contacts a building.