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Thread: Discussion of Comp and Banning in 40k

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  1. #1
    Hedgefund (Admin) Darkwynn's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Discussion of Comp and Banning in 40k

    Resetting this because the old thread is 16 pages long.

    Purpose behind Comp shouldn't be about limiting power builds. That is the reason why everyone who tries to implement Comp breaks down and people are up in arms.

    Comp doesn’t solve power builds, armies or fixes the problems that could be created. You are resetting the power builds and tricks, things will bubble back up to the top and understand that 40k isn’t a balanced game.

    What Comp does do is create a variety and diversity into list building. If your goal is to change up armies and list builds from what could be created normally then Comp will do that for you. This discussion of Hobby vs. Heavy doesn’t work because it’s subjective and it will eventually break down. That is a problem with the players in the group and the best way to solve that is education, teaching and cultivating players of lower skill up to compete or handle those armies in a positive way.

    There is a valid argument that the LBK comp system is tuned for a different audience, and as such is not going to have 1:1 correspondence. It was created by pro-tier players to police pro-tier tournaments. What is effective at a local, casual, or beer-and-pretzels level is going to vary significantly. An iconic example (THANK YOU MATT AKA SPLUG) using League of Legends characters would be Xin Zhao: for a long time, he was an amazing pug-stomper and awful in pro tours: he'd tear apart people 1v1 due to his CC, but in team fights his single-target CC wasn't as crippling, and the combination of poor range and durability meant Audacious Charge just got him focus fired and slaughtered. This is the kind of problem that could terrorize a local scene and discourage new players, but would go completely under the radar on a list like the LBK system. However, that does not mean their data is irrelevant: a significant amount of effort was invested to come up with the suggested rubric, and almost certainly more play testing has happened around it. I'd propose we use that as a blueprint and make our own modifications to that, to catch things like the Xin Zhao example above. This will give us a good launching point to start from, and prime the pump for things we weight differently."

    You can reference this same example to the Tau Commander with all Command Control nodes, Spectrum Suite, Chip and anything else that is on him. The top tier players don’t use this commander because he isn’t efficient and is actually the worst build for Tau.

    In short Comp isn't going to solve power builds but you need to create the perception or share the perception that you are trying to create a diverse and variety into list building.
    Last edited by Darkwynn; 01-03-2014 at 04:41 PM.
    Stony said...

    After reading this I have decided that the movie "Pineaple Express" should redo one of its quotes from:

    "But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Jude Law."


    "But if you do something heroic then you'll come back as like an eagle or a dragon, or Nick Rose."

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