I think in the FAQ the cloak does not work in challenges
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I think in the FAQ the cloak does not work in challenges
Haha my dyslexia I guess
Negative Feedback
-As a vendor I would suggest that posting that the vendor area is for vendors' only. I hated showing up every morning and finding 40K players storing their stuff on my tables and refusing to move without threats of sending their fliers... Flying!
-More vendors being brought in which likely means the staff should get in contact with more companies. The few there were solid but if this wants to be considered a real convention and not just a collection of tournaments, they need more vendors attending.
-A real schedule of non-event stuff so people have an idea of what else is going on other than events.
-Staff needed to be more helpful and less interested in their friends' performance in events. I do not know how many times I was brushed off because the staff wanted to know how their friend's game went. More knowledgable staff would also be great as only a few knew what was going on. Staff only shirts would have been great.
-Lack of swag bags for everyone attending that had a badge
Positive Feedback
-Solid venue and lots of convention essentials in close proximity like booze and good food.
-Generous event "schedule" with a variety of events from other genres than 40K.
-The few vendors were top-notch and very friendly. With the exception of someone at a local booth that just liked to bitch about games he didn't like.
The vendor area is not for vendors only, I mean unless you don't want to sell anything. And I think you're probably exaggerating, or started the conversation rudely if they refused to move their stuff unless you threatened to break it. Sorry if I'm skeptical, but as a player I had no problem asking people to move their things, they were over generous in fact.
What companies do you propose? I counted several unique vendors and services. It seems if more show up there will be considerable overlap and competition for services?
Agreed on posted schedules and locations, growing into a new venue is likely at issue. Next year perhaps folks could be pointed to the display boards provided by the hotel with an agenda.
What staff was unhelpful? There were staff only shirts. Do you mean staff specific to a game system? Like I only know 40k? Or I only handle warmachine? I found that the staff was incredibly helpful and seriously overworked. I don't necessarily believe the story about them failing specifically because they wanted to know how a friend did. Yes, they probably did want to know how a friend's game went, and friends probably tried to tell them about it unsolicited. But the staff frequently dropped everything to address issues. What were you brushed off about? You say you can't say how many times you were brushed off, but seriously how many times did you NEED staff attention? If it is more than once or twice then perhaps look within?
Agreed. That seems to have been an error, though the gesture was there. It will be corrected next year I bet.
As for positives
Agreed, booze was overpriced, but I think Jwolf knows.
Agreed, I wish there was a way to play multiple events. Like a 40k event in the evening, or a late warmachine event. Next year I'll have to skip pairs, or pick a GT.
I'm sure the "bitching" vendor thought he was just making small talk.
I hate to sound like I came in here just bitching at you, but I'm gonna. It sounds like you have an almost solipsistic chip on your shoulder regarding your personal experiences. Because the ways some people acted were counter to the way you believe they should act it colored your perception of the event. The lack of non-specificity is also troubling. The criticism would be made more valid if you came in with suggestions to fix, rather than super generalized complaints about some bad conversations you had.
I think the problem might have been that two tables over there beside the vendor area (near the front door-- not the narrative tables). It might be a good idea to get those rope-post thingies to rope off the back and sides of the vendor area to discourage people from walking there. Why didn't we set up that one row of vendors against the wall? That might have marked out the space better.
I think it would be a good idea, but as I entered I looked right and could immediatele see what was available. I think the "Vendors" like Thomas and the small table vendors would do well against the wall.
As for table arrangement I think it would be better to have the "dinning"/sitting area in the back and move the narrative closer to the open gaming area. That way we can highlight the pagentry of our signature event.
Well, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this year's BoLS Con. Yes, it can still be improved but for an event run by people who don't professionally do this, it already is very impressive. Thanks for all the work you guys (and girls) put into it!
Re-reading this thread made me remember one tiny thing I wanted to echo/emphasize/agree with: don't put the narrative event in the back of the room. It felt a little like narrative was being treated like an unloved red-headed step-child that the "big boys" didn't want to see or acknowledge -- or maybe like being forced to eat dinner at the kid's table or soemthing. For an con that calls narrative it's "signature event", that's downright shameful.
I think the only other spot for that event would be where the Open gaming tables were. Which I think would be perfect place for it. Up to Jon and Nick though.
The counter argument was that putting the narrative event close to the GT would have made it harder for us to hear each other, which I totally agree with.
Why not place the narrative peeps where the Warmahordes peeps were, and slide the Warmahorders to where the open tables were. That leaves a nice corner for the open tables. While not ideal, since the open tables will kind of be out in the boonies, it might entice people to cough up the extra cash to be in a tournament, so they won't be relegated to the corner of shame.
I would hardly call playing for fun, shameful.
It would be called "the corner of shame" regardless of who or what is playing on it.