What I learned playing Gundam Tau army vs. Code Geass Tau army.
1. Tetras are retarded good and everyone should have them because oh my god the amount of markerlights they can put out.
2. Ignore cover for 2 markerlights is not an issue with tetras. Overcharged Ion accelerator will destroy an entire battlesuit squad because cover is a forlorn hope.
3. Aun'va is actually really really good. Put him out in the open if you want, it doesn't matter. Pray your opponent fires AP1 guns at him because they automatically fail to hurt him. Also his bodyguards can actually hurt things.
4. Playing purely fluffy homage lists will never beat the not quite so fluffy actually trying to win list. (See #1 and #2)
5. Need to get Farsight, aka: finally order an XV-09
And that is what I learned.