Turn 2 Matchups
CRP (Imperial) vs Ninja (xenos) for ranov manufactorum CRP/Imperials win
Dandy (Imperial) vs Noodlers (chaos) for w of manufactorum on orias Dandy/Imperials win
Real Genius (Imperial) vs Caldera (chaos) for shield gen on balin v
RedArmy (Imperial) vs Morella (xenos) for com bastion on geminus
Ball4eva (Imperial) vs ccrazyman (xenos) for space SE of imperial hive city on ranov Ball4eva/Imperials win
Hogleg (Imperial) vs Bullymike (chaos) for shield generator ranov
NJWL (Xenos) vs RedArmy (Imperial) for Geminus space west of unclaimed command bastion
randomnumber (Xenos) vs Danypandy (Imperial) for geminus hive city Randomnumber/Xenos wins
eaglesmvp (Xenos) vs Hogleg (Imperial) for ranov fuel depot
erin (Xenos) vs Kaika (chaos) for ranov hive city erin/Xenos wins
ccrazyman (Xenos) vs Sloth (chaos) for orias shield generator
zoro (Xenos) vs Txplays (chaos) for orias manufactorum
bullymike (chaos) vs CRP (Imperial) for space port on Ranov
sloth (chaos) vs RealGenius (Imperial) for power station on Balin V Sloth wins
noodlers (chaos) vs Ball4eva (Imperial) for space w of shield gen on balin V
caldera (chaos) vs Zoro (xenos) for Orias spaceport caldera/chaos wins
kaika (chaos) vs eaglesmvp (xenos) for Orias power station
txplays (chaos) vs randomnumber (xenos) for space west of orias power station randomnumber/xenos wins