Just lessen or even out the desity of players. that's really all you can do in that situation
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Put out the word, gamers time to diet. 40k players shed that weight in time for WGC, Warmachine and Fantasy players? Put on that weight.
I wore a sweatshirt the last day. I still appreciated how cool it was down there, vs outside, when I almost combusted walking to my truck.
He got burned on a wraithlord deal.
That thing about the swag bags is disappointing. I thought I had gotten one, and when I asked I was told there weren't any at all. It's not the mistake that bugs me, it's that the woman with the dog flat out lied to me about it.
That was dog talking through her....the dog lied!
Come on Greg, that is unfair thing to say. She is a volunteer and accusing her of lieing is just bad taste and looks bad on you. She was probaly mistaken since there was some confusion that took place.
If this is going to get side railed like it is I will just lock the thread.
YEAH! Everyone behave or Nick will put the padlock on the pool for the rest of summer!! :p
Wynn you're right, I shouldn't assume she was doing anything intentional. Sorry.
There was a Warmahordes team tournament when I bought my ticket that wasn't listed when I showed up. Maybe confirm events further in advance and notify people registered if there is a change like that next year?
Agreed that is a good idea and we need to be better at communicating those events. I wil lget in touch with the Warmachine guys and see if we can get that laid down. I have plans of us putting a newsletter together in the future that should include things like that.
Also make sure wolf sends out an email reminding us when we need to turn in our lists. I got an email in january or february saying he would send out reminders when lists were due, then that email never came and I forgot about it until it was too late.
I had an absolute blast this year, it was by far the best WGC experience so far.
The venue was absolutely amazing. Having the whole "basement" dedicated to wargaming gave the whole con a great "feel". I personally enjoyed it more than Adepticon (this is true for the entire experience I had, not just the venue).
The only complaint I have is probably due to butt-hurt, but here goes: in the team tournament, make the kill points total actually be the total accumulated by the team. Not every army is going to excel at killing things, especially in the team tournament -- and if you're playing as a team, then your totals should be as a team, not hamstrung by the team member that just couldn't kill as much as the other. I've tried hard to wrap my head around why you wouldn't do it that way...and I can't (which is probably due to my limited understanding), but I'd like to, if someone can explain it to me then maybe I won't even have a complaint. :)
I agree with Bill Hicks
Kingsley was born the year he died! (I kid).
No I didn't understand that either, some lists were built for synergy not for equality. Mike and I got lucky on one kill points game, weakening squads then sharing murder responsibilities. But in our first game, my army was basically destroyed on turn 2 to the point we knew I couldn't get enough kill points to compete for the win even though we had all of Mike's Army to wreck face. It took the wind out of our sails.
I think a solution is to score team tournament the way you score the main event, three equally weighted objectives. That way, you can throw those team twists in there, and still have winning solutions.
And then throw in one 5 point bonus objective if necessary for tie breakers, though I think you have enough side **** in the TT as to not need it (Display, theme, name, story, costumes, whatever, etc.)
I'm surprised anytime I encounter someone who doesn't know who bill hicks is...
The other idea would be to get a massage person there - that might be something to look at if we knew any.
I know several masseussessussess.
yeah, and most would be happy to set up.
My back and neck were killing from all the leaning and complaining about grey knights.
bitching about grey knights is like a second full-time job. seriously.
6th seems to have rebalanced them somewhat
I think the biggest thing I'm liking is that terminators went back to laughing at 90% of the stuff that gets thrown at them.
Yeah Lysander is now the super character for challenges...
Actually, Lukas is pretty good at Challenges now because you have to deal with the Pelt of the Doppelgänger. You think you hit me? Try again. Oh, and when he dies he'll take Lysander with him, or try to, because Challenges means you put them in base-to-base.